Which age group do you belong to?

Thursday 24 November 2011

Location shots

Long shot of this tunnel which is a possible location to film some parts of my video although the lamposts down the middle ruin it a bit and the litter
This is the same shot as above but a lot closer and pays more attention to the sun picture to lefthand side which dominates this image
I like this picture but the names above it spoil it a bit as i would prefer just the picture which shows togetherness and people being in unison which would have tied in well with my song

I also like this close up of the particular part of the wall which looks like a crossword from loads of names which i may use in my video as i like the imagery i could create from it

I like thi simage as it shows a clear light at the end of the tunnel which could reflect imagery in the video but the fish drawings on the right may put me off it
This location could prove useful as i have a few ideas for this shot but it is a bit dark and i would benefit from it being lighter
I again like this one but the lampost just ruins it for me as it looks out of place so i may try and find a shot which cuts out the lampost
Im not a big fan of this picture because its got a big focus on the post down the middle of it but the light/dark contrast is a good effect
this is a shot which i will probably use as its nice and light with less focus on the drawings round the wall
This could be a useful location down a cut through as it looks secretive but not too dark
Again this picture is okay but look a bit too open for what i would use it for
This picture is what i wanted as it doesnt show too much light or too much of the surrounding buildings
On this shot i think the scaffolding ruins it and makes it look too industrial for what i want
I like this image but think it would benefit from less of its surroundings being shown
This location will prove useful as i will be using this kind of thing for part of my song
I really like this one as the houses look like the one on the video right at the start which is big, old and traditional which is what i was looking for
I like this shot too as i could get someone down the tenfoot to create a good shot
This is only a balnk wall but i could get someone singing against it which could be a good effect

This is also a good shot with no one around to look even more secretive and hidden

This is another good photo as it shows an everyday setting and looks a little secretive with it bein fenced in with hardly anyone about

This is a good image with trees almost hanging over the cut through

This is a shot of my living room which i will probably using for someone walking through the door which is pictured
This is my mums bedroom which will be used for one part of the video and i ill be shooting it on this angle
I like this overhead picture as it looks good on this angle but i'll have to test it with someone in the hallway singing
This it just a picture of a rack of dvds but i will be putting c.d's in it and using it in the video
This is my bedroom which will be used ont his angle and im happy with how it came out and i can try it with my blinds shut for less light in the room
This is my bedroom again from a slightly higher view on the angle im hoping for
I am really happy with this image and will definately use it
This is my tenfoot which i will be briefly using to show someone walkin down it
This shot came out how i hoped for the shots i have planned looking down the street
This shot of my tenfoot will also get used as i like the look of this shot and could get some other good shots out of it
This shot of some stairs is good but i dont think the mucky parts of them would fit in with the mis en scene i wanted but i may use it briefly
I like this shot looking to the top of the stairs but im not sure whether or not to use it
this is a good shot of the graffiti walls and i could use the end piece of rail to have someone stood
I was looking for a graffiti wall but this isnt the effect i wanted
I will deifnately be using this bench for some of my video
This is the same bench as above but from a further away angle
I have a good idea for this location but need to get my singer sat here
Again i have a good idea but i will see how it progresses
This is another piece of equipment from a local park which i have had an idea for using
This slide could be useful for near the end of my video

These two shots were taken in the local town, all the graffiti effects were done against this wall however every time i went back t the wall, the graffiti changed so here are a few examples

Friday 18 November 2011

Song lyric timings

These timings for each line of the song will help me plan and structure my video to fit these lyrics.

Song lyrics imagery

These are the lyrics to the song i'm doing and each line has an image or a description i get when reading/hearing it.

Friday 11 November 2011

LMFAO - Party rock anthem analysis

LMFAO  are a band who started in 2006 and are signed to will.i.am music, inter scope records and cherrytree. LMFAO had a hit single with 'Party rock anthem' which reached number 1 in seven countries which is quite an achievement for a duo which say they are all about clubbing songs and create them with that criteria. LMFAO's target audience are teenagers to about late twenties as they are the ones who are most likely to be clubbing and dancing. With a dance track, you expect to see bright flashing colours/effects and a catchy chorus to sing along to and a bassline to keep you moving at all times. During the video, LMFAO are nine times out of ten dancing about whilst singing which provides the audience a chance to relate to them by doing the same dance moves they are doing in clubs which remind you of this song. With the electronic and funky theme to this song, the loud and in your face hairstyles and clothes reflect the genre of music. Also, the big lens less glasses are used for fashion as people are now also getting them and wearing them like LMFAO since the video was launched. Also the big design printed t shirts they wear are also coming into fashion and being worn a lot since the video came out. These dance tunes are often trends setters for music and fashion.

This video is mainly popular with around 15-22 year olds of both sexes which could be due to the rising amount of people who are going clubbing and listening to this genre of music regularly. This is the majority of LMFAO's fan base and they are their mainstream audience responsible for a large chunk of the viewings that they get on sites like you tube. Also, moves like the 'shuffle' which were invented for this video can be copied and used in clubs that their mainstream audience visit on a regular basis. The story of the video is that ever since people heard this song they have become addicted and every day come together to dance to it and lose their mind.Throughout the video the general lyrical message is that you should listen to this track and enjoy yourself dancing and having a good time, this message is clear through the choreographed dancing and the occasional reference to hip hop culture of women walking past in a short outfit and the male 'checking them out' so to speak. The only other refernec to another genre is another hip hop one, where LMFAO are stood with an attractive women in a tight leather/lycra outfit and a man dressed like a pimp. Apart from that the bassline of the song dictates the action and conveys the partying theme.
 This shot displays the choreographed dancing to the track with many dancers in the funky outfits spoke about earlier to reflect the techno feel to the track with wild hairstyles. The woman one the right hand side in a nurses outfit is not only dressed in a short outfit but her nurse outfit reflects the story of them coming out of hospital right at the start of the track before the track is even played or heard. Natural lighting shows the natural and derelict street which looks traditionally like a New York style street. Cars are parked randomly in the street to show the loss of control that people have now that this has happened in the video.
 This shot shows a typical scene from a dance track or one with a heavily dance influenced beat. Break dancing is a key element of genres like hip hop and street music and there are plenty of break dancers in this video to perform crazy moves. Also the element of showing off to impress women is present as girls are in the crowd as different dancers compete against one another to show off their best moves.
 The lighting in this shot is obviously natural and focused down a side of the street where a man who looks to be advertising or dressed homeless looking with no reason to be in the street looks like hes lost as one of the main singers dances down the street in front of other partying extras.
 This is the hip hop style shot in the video with a man dressed like a pimp and a women in a tight, short silver outfit. Meanwhile, the two LMFAO members dance and sing along while we get close ups of the beautiful, sexily portrayed woman to match the stereotypical videos of modern times which are involved with mainstream audiences.

                                                                                    In this shot we are in the middle of the video when everyone is out of control and the lens less glasses are evident on the left, the costumes of the characters really re enforces the genre and matches the crazy scenes. Everyone is dancing in similar manners and generally doing a form of 'shuffle' associated with this video. The lighting is still natural and the editing speeds of this shot and the majority of the video reflect that fast pace of this song and the fast paced lifestyles of people associated to this genre of music.