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Friday 11 November 2011

Rizzle Kicks - Down with the trumpets analysis

The pair who sing this name themselves 'Rizzle Kicks' and are from Brighton in England. They are also in the hip hop music industry similar to Gym Class Heroes and were formed in 2008 but only became really well known with their 'Down with the trumpets' song with Jane Lockerbie directing this video. June 10,2011 was when this song was released and reached no.2 at it's peak. Rizzle kicks are currently signed to Universal Island. With Rizzle Kicks being based on Alternative Hip Hop and refusing to be drawn into one particular genre, they show influences on fashion, music styles and use catchy chorus for their audiences who tend to listen to chart music and be between teenagers to early thirties even with memorable lyrics and a catchy instrument (trumpet) to remember it by. They don't conform to one stereotype of clothing and wear what they like which goes against the usual modern acts who wear only the latest desirable clothing. They conventionally travel around local neighborhoods singing and perform dance moves whilst having fun with mates and singing about girls and worrying about girls, clothes and having fun.They use a lot of clever effect which are aesthetically pleasing and would impress the teen audience and make their video memorable.
 This is right at the start of the video and is whilst we wait for the track to start. This reflects the post modern nature of this media text displaying self awareness of how consumers can access this song and shows an old style method of listening (stereo). This looks good and is a good effect to look like as they put the cassette in, the song plays in real time. The setting to the shot it on the arm of a chair in a flat, very unconventional of hip hop but a modern way of shooting videos in recent times to show relaxed environments for audiences to relate to.
 This shot is outside and is on the way to another location of shots to follow this, almost walking the audience there allowing us to walk around with them. They are wearing casual clothing which isn't particularly expensive or seen as clothes you would wear to 'dress up'. This shows their unconventional style and approach to music. The natural lighting reflects the time of day to give the audience a sense of perspective with no flash or big houses just an average council estate.
 This is a clever shot through a gap between garages on Brighton's sea front. We see a man dancing to the track and we know he's dancing to the song as the top of the stereo you see at the start of the video just noticeable at the bottom of the screen. The relaxed and casual nature to the video is shown with little children playing naturally and having fun while the video focuses on the dancing man. The time of day is again shown through the lighting and continuity is kept by the man in the above shot on the right staying in the same outfit.
 This shot shows a dealing in the street to reflect the nature of goings on on council estates stereo typically but parodies this idea by doing a dodgy looking dealing for a trumpet as the song is called 'Down with the Trumpets'. Continuity is again maintained with the same outfit and location moments after the above picture. The council estate dealing is re enforced through the mis en scene in the backdrop where the setting shows a big block of flats. The man doing the dealing is wearing a tracksuit and a cap which stereo typically shows a rough, dodgy looking appearance known for these sorts of encounters with the public.

This shot is after the artist leans into a wall and appears to fall on the floor in a different location which looks good and is uncommon in most music videos making it a unique effect, one which i certainly haven't seen before. Continuity is once more kept from the picture above and the Trumpet in his hand reflects the lyrics and his actions reflect the fun side to their music and the lack of restrictions they have conveying their type of lifestyle. This close up shot also allows up to see the shock on his face at landing in another location making this effect look more believable.

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